Cold noodles (naengmyeon)

1. A package of cold noodles, onion, garlic, green onions,
2. ginger, cucumber, egg, 1 bosc pear, hot pepper flakes,
3. hot pepper paste, sesame seeds, vinegar, sesame oil, corn syrup,
4. salt, soy sauce, sugar, mustard powder

Directions (2 servings):
1. Make stock by boiling 8 cups of water, 3-4 shiitake mushrooms, dried kelp, and 8-10dried anchovies (You will see how to make this stock in my soon du bu video) and cool it down.

2. Prepare toppings for naengmyeon
Mustard powder: Mix 2 tbs of mustard powder and 1 tbs water and put it on warm place to ferment it. (I place it on the top of boiling stock)
Cucumber: Slice a quarter of cucumber thinly and sprinkle a pinch of salt, 1 ts of sugar, 1 ts of vinegar, and a pinch of hot pepper flakes and mix it and set it aside
Bosc pear:Slice a half pear thinly and soak it in water and add 1 ts sugar to protect it from changing color
Egg:Hardboil an egg, cut it in half, and set it aside

3. Make hot and spicy sauce for bibim naengmyeon:
Grind these ingredients: A half of peeled bosc pear, a quarter of onion (about 3 tbs), 1 ts garlic, 1 ts of ginger, ½ cup of corn syrup, 4 tbs hot pepper flakes, 3 tbs hot pepper paste, ¼ cup of apple vinegar, 1 tbs sesame seeds, 3 green onions, 1 tbs soy sauce
Place the ground sauce into a container and add 1 tbs sesame oil and 1 ts of fermented mustard and mix it.
4. Make naengmyeon broth by mixing 1 cup of Yeolmu kimchi juice and 2 cups of stock.( you can add some vinegar or salt and sugar)

5. Boil the noodles:
Put noodles into boiling water in a big pot (2/3 of the pot is filled with water). The direction of cooking noodles is on the back of the noodle package and it usually takes 3-4 minutes to boil after putting the noodles into the boiling water. You can take some sample to check if the noodles are cooked enough or not.
When the noodles are cooked, move the pot into a kitchen sink and pour cold water and remove some water and pour cold water again. This process helps the noodles get chewier. Place the noodles into a basket or colander and keep rinsing and draining the noodles until all starch from the noodles are removed.
6. Serve it cold

For mul naengmyeon:
1. Put some noodles into a serving bowl and fill the broth until the noodles are submerged.
2. Add crushed ice and place toppings: yeolmu kimchi, a few pieces of pear and cucumber, and a half side of boiled egg on top.
3. Add 1 ts of mustard

For bibimnaengmyeon:
1. Put some noodles into a serving bowl.
2. Add a half cup of icy broth
3. Place some hot and spicy sauce, yeolmu kimchi, a few pieces of pear and cucumber and a half side of boiled egg on top.
4. Add some more sesame oil if you want.

Now your Cold noodles (naengmyeon) is ready to serve!


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