Soy Milk Noodles Soup


Dried soybeans
  • Mixed nuts
  • Water
  • Ice cubes
  • Skinned
  • Roasted sesame seeds
  • Thin noodles
  • Salt
  • Cucumber
  • Tomato

  1. Wash and drain 1 cup of dried soybeans a couple of times and soak them overnight (8-12 hours).

  2. Drain the soybeans and put them in a pot.
  3. Add 2 cups of water and bring to a boil over medium high heat for 12-15 minutes.
  4. Rinse the cooked soybeans in cold water. Drain and put them into a large bowl.
  5. Scrub them with your hand to remove the skins.
  6. Pour cold water into the bowl and the skins will float to the top.
  7. Tilt the bowl and pour out the skins and water
  8. Scrub the soybeans some more, add more water, drain and remove skins several times
    until all the skins are removed.
  9. Put 1 cup of the clean soybeans into a blender.
*tip: Keep the rest of the cooked
    and cleaned soybeans in the freezer for future use.
  10. Add 1.5 tbs of mixed nuts, 1 ts of skinned and roasted sesame seeds (optional),
    1 ts salt, and 2 -2 ½ cups of cold purified water. Blend for 2 minutes.
  11. Add 4-5 cubes of ice and blend another minute until you get a soft, foamy, cold broth.
    Set it aside.
  12. Boil water in a large pot.
  13. Put noodles into the boiling water and stir them with a spatula.
    Close the lid and cook for a few minutes.

  14. *tip: 120-150 grams of uncooked noodles per serving is a good amount.
  15. Open the lid and check if the noodles are cooked properly or not.

    *tip: Take a sample noodle and taste it. When you don't feel any hard stuff as you chew it, it's done.
  16. Rinse and strain the cooked noodles in cold water a couple times.
  17. Put some noodles into a serving bowl and pour the soybean broth over them.
  18. Garnish with tomato and cucumber strips, and add more ice cubes if you want

  19. *tip: 1 cup of dried soybeans will swell to about 2 ¼ cup when they're soaked for 12 hours.
    I used only 1 cup of soaked and cooked soybeans in this recipe (the amount of broth could be used for 2 servings). You can make 5-6 servings with 1 cup of dried soybeans.


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