Korean Noodle Stirfry

About the Ingredients

You can find gochujang (which is also spelled kochuchang and gochuchang) at Asian grocery stores that sell Korean products. If you can’t find it yourself, be sure to ask. Sometimes it’s even better to bring in an empty package or a photo:
It comes in jars or tubs that are often labeled “Hot Pepper Paste.” Unlike other “chili pastes” that you may find, it’s a thick paste with the consistency of miso and a uniform color of dark red. Once opened, it will keep in the refrigerator for a very long time.
You can use any noodles you like for this recipe, but I like buckwheat soba:
Buckwheat Soba
One bundle of noodles is enough for two servings. I like to break them in half for this dish; otherwise, it’s hard to distribute the vegetables throughout the pasta.
I hope you’ll look for gochujang the next time you’re out shopping. If you like spicy food, you really owe it to yourself to give it a try.


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